
Yari, Super Duper Villain

I've decided to set aside a fund directed to my future career move. Hold on, don't panic.

I know you're thinking I just started a new job and I'm quite possibly insane. You're right on the first one, and very right on the second one. However, wait till I'm done with this entry to make your final decision.

What better super duper character can I be, if not Cheesecake Vixen? Ok, so it's not a good name but tell you what, I will bring havoc into this heartless world! (Except during winter months, in which I'll be CurlUpNDie Girl, not even remotely bothered to comb hair when rolling out of bed...)

I have a plan. Cheesecake Vixen shall feed you cheesecake to your heart's content. Then? She'll feed you more. Continuous supply. Fattening the planet. Making everyone obese and diabetic. Mwahaha! My car will be made of graham crust, with the inside made entirely of NY Style cheesecake from that awesome lil bakery in the corner of some street in the Bronx that I'll never remember the name to cuz I was too little. It will smell of warm caramel topping and maybe instead of fluffly dice on my rear-view mirror, I'll have two small Cool Whip dollops.

My costume? The one above will do I think...Xcept in a nice cream cheesey ivory and my lips will taste of absolute perfection. It will be the lure I need. Next stop? Heart attacks and insulin shots.

I have a plan. Cheesecake is always a plan.


  1. You'll also need a soundtrack! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuB-VTdzvUc It can be like your theme when you fly by. Hm, would you be able to fly?

  2. I'll probably be too big to fly...unless I switch to fat free cream cheese. Then I would be doing good to ur health instead of evil villanous deeds...ill put in charge of brainstorming my transportation.
