
Emotional Outlet

...in a very long time, I felt like slaying a small village of puppies. I'm not really sad, or down...just angry. I'm frustrated and just...wish I could run (without getting asthma or breaking an ankle) until I have reached the end of the world.

I had weird dreams. I was going to tell ya'll about them but, in my fit of fury for which I had to get a cold shower for, I forgot. I know it involved eating good fried chicken at a department store of sorts, ninjas, holding hands for the first time and feeling my heart burst into a billion pieces of nervousness/happiness, running through tunnels, and feeling his head lean on my shoulder while watching Schlinder's List (great date movie, I know).

I am on a baking/Harry Potter kick still...maybe I'll sneak off to the movies to watch New Moon again (only the second time this time around, which...is remarkable. I watched Twilight like 4 times even as crappy as it was) and then have some Thai Spice.

And because there is no such thing as TMI in Yariland blog...it's that time of the month. So that explains my anger and my back pain and my general tears over stupid things like finding a penny on the floor after cleaning my room. Yeah.

I need a hug. Ya'll know where to find me.

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