
Last Night's Brain Movie...

Oh yeah, so I had another odd dream last night...

I was in the woods walking with my sister, in the middle of nowhere Minnesota I think...We were both wearing the same warm 4 button coats. Hers was bright green (pretty!) and mine was bright purple (bright!), and we had mismatched beanies. Mine was a green beanie the color of her coat, and hers was the purple of mine. I digress, as usual. Right. We were walking in about 2 1/2 feet of snow and more rapidly falling, the cold wind cutting our face. I sort of had my sister tucked under my right arm because she was, well, very pregnant and was getting very tired. She kept getting horrible cramps and falling on her face in the snow, and it sort of broke my heart how hard she kept trying to get up fast so we could get on our way.

It was eerie, though, that the trees around us were in full bloom and their trunks covered in an almost neon green moss. The flowers were a coral color and the petals mixed with the snow on the ground. I could barely hear her telling me she could hear someone calling over the wind howling, but no...I heard him too. His voice rang clear and was panic ridden. He called her name over and over, almost the way one would scream for God in the middle of a hopeless situation. My sister was his salvation. I heard her answer back equally loud, and we could both see him running frantically our direction but he was seemingly blind to our presence.

He was almost 10 yards away and looking straight at us, I almost thought he'd seen us. But no, he kept screaming "I can hear you but I can't see you! Where are you?? Are you okay? Are you alone? Stay put!" I remember feeling somewhat appalled that he'd think I'd let her wander around in this storm in her condition. I sort of huffed under my breath and she smiled at me but I almost saw her sway with the wind gust that hit us. I held on to her and walked to the edge of a clearing...thinking it was the best bet to be found by him...with nothing else around us to block his view. I leaned her against a big tree, and told her to stay put while I tried to make some sort of movement in the clearing so he could see us. She desperately clung to me and said it hurt. I asked what but she didn't answer. I asked again, and she said "He'll find us when the storm dies down. He'll know I won't be far from the house." I saw him move even closer but still, with eyes of a blind man, he looked in our direction only to scream for her louder. "Yeah don't worry about ME. I'M fine...", I mumbled and she giggled as I stepped onto the clearing.

The clearing wasn't a clearing. Soon I heard something crack under my footsteps and everything happened way, way too quick. I felt the cold stab at my lungs and surround me, and everything getting darker. I saw the light of day stream through the hole in the ice and my saw my sister's hand dipping in the water reaching for me. Her screams were muffled, but she kept telling him to hurry that I was sinking. I knew they'd never make it to me and prayed hard that she would slowly move her pregnant ass back to the tree and wait there safely for him. Let me go.

Pretty much I saw the murky water around me, and was watching myself sink. I looked pale and my eyes were open, unblinking...while tiny bubbles escaped my mouth and shot to the surface towards freedom. I looked frozen already and could almost see my body reach the bottom of the lake. Then I sort of went back in my body and just stared at the black around me, the hole in the ice now seemed like a full moon in a dark starless night...But it was almost warm now. It was quiet and I sort of realized this was finally what I had been waiting for. Now it didn't matter what tomorrow would bring, because this was my end. The people I loved would go on, I wouldn't suffer losing them or hurting them.

It was pretty...until I saw the thin white arm shot out of the darkness and grab me by my wrist tight. It pulled me with superhuman speed towards the source of it. But everything remained dark. And it seemed that, even in death, I would get no rest.

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