

From the ages of 4 to 9, I had a worn out VHS tape I used to play over and over in between my breaks from my Wizard of Oz marathons.

They were these...anime looking fireflies that get stuck in a blizzard while searching for one of their own that has been captured by a grizzly bear.
Bitch got captured because instead of being indoors like all the other good Blinkins, she had to be stubborn and hide in a cave in a temper tantrum.

So yeah, I'm shocked I just thought of that movie a few minutes ago, since it's been ages since I've seen it. I remember the soundtrack and their little voices and the bears growl...The best thing was when they all came together to create a huge "Winter Witch" to scare off the bear. The huge witch was just thousands of blinkings working together under a big blanket with arms, sort of like a scarecrow that moved.

It's hard to explain really, but they made it snow hard enough for the bear to believe it was winter again instead of spring time that was just starting. Pretty much I just remember two things as my favorite outta that whole deal: the tanned Blinkin with curly blonde hair seen on the left side of the pic above (she was me...or who I wanted to be) and how their cute lil butts lit up in middle of the heavy snowfall...almost like a chain of stars through the forest. I wish I could find it on DVD anywhere, I'd love to have it again.

I used to wish so fervently they really existed. That someday I'd live in some foreign country where it would snow, not some tropical island with sand and regular green fireflies and no bears.

It's been snowing lately, and going to snow tomorrow too here it seems. No blinkins in sight. Not even green ones.

1 comment:

  1. heh, you are getting more snow then me so far. hahahahaha
