
Good things, Bad things, Great things

I've been kind of busy with work this week, which is good. It's one thing to learn IT theory and a whole other one to put it to use and help people out. Plus, I was brought on to the team to help with the work load and not use the "I'm new and training still" card for months. At least that's not something I want to be, a burden. But anyways, we're working out of site this week and next and I'm liking it. So, that's good.

Also, I had hoped for a better seven days to come this week. Alas, bad things are afoot. Lots of my friends are going through sad moments and I feel utterly useless. Loss of family, loss of home, loss of a lot of stuff. I wish I could say the right thing, but I end up looking like a fussing hen with a broken record. I don't know when I'm intruding in others business or if they would actually welcome me trying to help in any way. I've been somewhat disappointed, but not really surprised, that a lot of whispering has been done behind my back about my view on certain subjects. All I'm going to say is, I cleared it with who I had to and DON'T want it brought up ever again. Again, I'm sure the involved parties were as mad as I am right now typing this, I would've been too. But this is the LAST time I'm even remotely mentioning this. I better not even have someone bring up this bs again. Bad things, bad move.

Greatly enough, I sold my ATT Bold today after a week and some days of trying. I actually got more than what I was hoping for and tomorrow is payday...so DOUBLE WHAMMY YAY GREATNESS!!! Also, a friend forwarded me something I'm asking Santa to bring me for next year maybe...since it's too much money for me (SANTA) to buy for myself this time around. Click on
THISAMAZINGYARIGIFT!!!! and sure put it on a credit card or something...

Now, then, there is a good-bad-great thing that happened about 2 hours ago. Good? I sold the phone and got cash. Bad? I spent most of it at Toys R Us. Great? I got several Minimates sets AND The Half-Blood Prince on DVD.

It's all about balance...and I, Yari, so don't have it. It's okay though. Gonna go shower and finish reading my book.

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