
Sound of Madness

I decided to venture out in to the world yesterday...seems I've been doing that more often on Saturdays.

Again, breakfast at Pancake Alley was superb. Sat on the counter like a cool person and watched the lady make my french toast and eggs in what seemed like 2 minutes. I even pondered the thought of taking her home with me whenever I'm a millionaire (ha!) and have her wake me up every morning to the smell of bacon goodness. Alas, the dreams of Yari are often mere fantasies.

So, as I had mentioned before, I've been trying to sell my Martin guitar so I could get another acoustic I wanted. Mostly because for some reason I never play the Martin. So I went to N-Tune in town and took my guitar with me to see if they wanted to trade or buy it off me. While I was there I hung around with the guys that work there for a bit, turns out the blue book value of my Martin wasn't impressive at all. Between that and all the guys there telling me things like "Why would you wanna get rid of this?! It's such a sweet guitar!" I quickly changed my mind and decided to keep it. Not only that, I went to another guitar place in town and ended up putting a Michael Kelly electric on layaway...sighs...but! I DID sign up for weekly guitar lessons with Mike every Friday at 2:30. He decided I should do the one on one classes since I already kinda knew how to play. I'm hopping I get to jam with him and Joe and TJ maybe when they jam on tuesday nights.

After that I went to my parents to visit for a bit, always pleasant. Took a nice 3 hour nap in the middle of my visit ... nothing like quality time with family right? When I woke up I came home and got ready to go to Buffalo Wild Wings to listen to a local live band and have some drinks. I drank a bit too much, tweeted some unfortunate things and let my feelings get the best of me. But, otherwise the band was great and well...I'll leave it at that or I'll get sad again.

Today was nice and mellow, did some cleaning and laundry. There's a Harry Potter marathon on and it's too hot to do much of anything else. So I'll keep writing for now. More blogs to follow. I'm disappointed. I deserved better.

I created the sound of madness,
wrote the book on pain

Somehow I'm still here to explain

That the darkest hour never comes in the night
You can sleep with a gun

When you gonna wake up and fight for yourself?
- Shinedown "Sound of Madness"


  1. Warms my heart to know that some (wise) people actually still use lay-away instead of just jumping off into the deep end of credit card debt.

    Now how wild is it that you posted this and then I tweeted about this very same Shinedown song yesterday, yet I swear I hadn't read this blog post until just this morning?

  2. not only that, you posted the exact same pantera song i was listening to before i posted the link on the blog. and! i only tweeted i was listening to pantera not that i was listening to walk! haha good times!

  3. Saw an interview with Morgan Freeman once and he had a cool choice of words for things that're beyond coincidence... Providence.
