
Para ti, cara bella!

“Today is a good day!”
She said, and I smiled.
“I have books and burgers!”
Her eyes looked so wild.

In the middle of darkness,
The sun shone on her.
Life gave her a flower.
Her spirit’s astir.

“Today I’m so happy!”
She squealed my way.
My own sadness ran off,
I celebrate her ‘today’.

Here’s to life’s freedoms!
Oh sister! My dear friend.
The good times are home,
There is light at the end.

-Yari 8/2009

(Author’s Note: For my sister in past lives, this one and future ones. We will always find each other. Thank you for existing DJ.)


  1. Awwww, i love this, my sister, my twin! I will write one for you. Give me a few minutes for it shant be hard for me to put such love and appreciation for who you are into words.
    DJ <3

  2. sorry, forgot the llamas, but i did mention crap! lmao...sorry. <3
