
It's okay to blog about boobs...

It really is! It's October, officially making it National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

My grandmother died in 1996, at the age of 62, after a short battle with cancer. It started off in her breast, but even after the masectomy that cleaned that tumor out and the chemotherapy, it had spread to the base of her brain and lodged in an inoperable place. It was later we were told that she had known, for 12 years prior to 1995, that she had a small lump in her breast and it was cancer. She was too afraid of doctors to do anything, and she never told the family. She always informed us that everything came back fine after her mammograms. She was too young to die, and it was a painfully slow and debilitating death. In the end because it was in her brain, she lost the ability to talk and move. She was a prisioner in her own body, unable to express herself, so in the end she would just look at you and tears would fall as you talked to her. She died on Saturday, December 6th at 11:00 a.m., a few minutes after my overnight shift with her was done. She was the backbone to the family and my greatest love.

This is not a post to sob story about it. I miss her more with each passing year, yes. However, this is a post to remind all my friends to promote breast cancer awareness. It's a touchy subject to bring up to loved ones or relatives...and in some cases we're afraid to do it our own monthly breast exam out of fear of finding a lump. Perhaps we have felt something, but again, are too afraid to make an appointment to follow up with the doctor. But don't be! Remember, in most cases when you catch something at an early stage it is most definately treatable and your odds of beating it skyrocket.
Don't be afraid, be aware! Squish your boobies today! Squish a loved ones boobies! Squish your girlfriend's boobies! If you're a guy, squish your own too! (yes there IS male breast cancer)
Here's links to wonderful sites about boobies, no not porn, breast cancer boob help!
"Cancer is a word, not a sentence." ~ John Diamond


  1. hey hey...i'll be making a sign with your Abuela's name and walking in her honor at the Making Strides for Breast Cancer Walk at Orchard Beach next Sunday...

    i had a breast cancer poetry event in the summer called Poetry in Pink and wrote this for the event...


  2. very well said, my love. Very well said.
