
The Limits of Sanity

Albert Einstein, you sly dog, you. Here you provide us with this gem: "Insanity - Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". You did, however, fail to explain to us who is the insane one. The one doing the same things over and over, or the one getting the same thing done over and over to them?

See, never should we underestimate the effect it has on someone to be put through a horrifying, exhausting, draining, never-ending cycle. Is the perpetrator insane for repeating a specific behavior, even when his or her victim begs for them to quit? When they are being told they are ruining someone and mentally or emotionally scarring them forever?

Maybe the madness lies in receiving blow after blow, and making yourself get back up and give this person another chance. Because, perhaps this time around they see how you're breaking under their force and they'll open their eyes, change their approach and help you instead of end you. Are you really the only one who sees things clearly and consider them with heaping doses of common sense? How much is too much before you get to the limit of your sanity?

Ah...the limit. That moment where you are at a loss for words because you've said it all before. You've begged, yelled, requested and cried to no avail. That precise second where your hands start shaking and this undying stream of curse words come out and you drown in your sobs because, what else can you do? You've been telling someone to remove the noose from around your neck but they've been so busy stuck in a loop, they actually ended up kicking the chair from under your feet. And STILL, they see you kicking and gasping for your last breath and they say "I can do better. I can change. No really, this time will be different...", and they go off in their own monologue without noticing you've stopped kicking and struggling, and now you're just dangling limp, swaying in the wind.

And then they cut the rope...and bring you back to life...and now it's the moment Einstein needed to give us a bit more guidance in...or maybe not. Forgiving is an action. So, if you forgive and give another chance...you are actually doing something, over and over.

I see what you did there, crazy haired genius...I see.

We're all insane.

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