
The "What I Wish I Would've Told You" Series

Many times we find ourselves measuring our words when faced with people that more than likely need to hear them unedited and brutally yelled at their faces. In our head we feel like pouring out every heartfelt curse, blessing, love word we can come up with at that moment...but something bigger stops us.

If you're like me you are stopped from venting face to face at someone for one of two reasons. The first one is the obvious one: Word Vomit. I tend to fire my words without thinking them through in my head, realizing how low the blow is going to hit. So, I boil in anger for a while and get short with someone when I'm angry. Eventually it passes, but I find myself having a breakdown months later due to holding all that in.

The second reason would probably be considered the opposite: Fear of Rejection. I felt too much or the feelings were too deep towards that person. In my head, I wasn't good enough for them or I didn't want to scare them away with the intensity of my love towards them, so I never blurted out the 'I love you' at the right moment. I never told them what about them made me happiest.

So the next few posts will be directed towards specific people I have loved or cared for in the past, but never had the guts to tell them how I really felt while I was with them or after we parted ways.

This is for you all. Don't like what you read? Think it applies to you? I'm done biting my tongue.

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