

My eyes burn, sting and water. The yawns, like tiny contractions, are now 2-3 minutes apart. Every signal is indicative that I should be, at the very least, in my pajamas and curled up in bed.

I should not be worrying about things out of my control. Worry is for those with fear, doubt in their heart. What is gained from letting anger fester inside me like a burning ember that comes to life every time the breeze of a memory blows into it? We live, learn, love, lose and move on.

I'm standing alone, on the mountain. Just the wind and the clouds watching over me. I can do this alone, and welcome any company that arrives and chooses to walk the path with me.

I don't know where I'm headed. But I hope to discover the science behind sleep and the truth in the eyes that stare at me, like I'm their last hope.

I may be someone's love, heart, soul and reason for living...

I probably am someone's reason for hatred.

I am awake. Nothing and everything seems to be real at the same time. The line has been blurred beyond recognition.

Light to you. Courage to you. Blessed be, beloved friends.

I am, awake.

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