
The Past is the Future

To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved. ~ George MacDonald

We are often told we should not let past experiences determine what the future of a current situation will be. After all, no one person is the same as the next. No one action that has worked infallibly in the past will guarantee 100% the same result this time around.

History repeats itself...True. When all the conditions are there for it to do so. How often does that happen? Life and the Universe are a constant changing thing. In the end, you can only trust that this time around things will be different...that you can trust your gut. You can trust people and things to be nothing like what you've dealt with before.

That being said...when asked to trust someone, even when something small about them raises alarms that remind me of previous experiences, I try to be understanding. To give chances. Because I've been chastised before for implying someone is just like someone else I met before....

So... Shouldn't I be allowed to prove that I am different? That I am trust-worthy? That this time I could change history?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. If you don't allow things to be different...then I won't either. The past will be your future. And all will be in vain.

1 comment:

  1. ugh, so true. it's so hard to break the cycle, especially if no one else works as hard as you do to change things. :(
