
Story Of My Life

Don't be sad, I'm here to make your problems go away.

Look what I can do! Did that make you smile? Good!

Of course we're the best of friends.

You know I'm always here when you need me and

I will work my magic to make you smile.

We have the greatest of times when we're together.

I'm glad I can be of help to you.

You know, I was feeling glum before you called.

You see...

What? Oh, you have to go?

But, I can change the subject if you want.

Really, I won't unload my stuff on you. Is my clown make-up wearing off?

If you wait here I can reapp...

Right. You don't have time.

Ok, yea, we can hang out again sometime.

I'll even do cartwheels for you next time.

No? But everyone loves a clown!

Heh....Your friends are afraid of clowns?

Yea, you wouldn't want to be seen with a freak.


Hey, long time! Guess what? No clown make-up!

Yes, this is really me.

No I have not changed.

What's the matter? What awkward silence?

Oh that's right, your friends. Well...Good to see you again.


What was I thinking taking off my clown mask?

The paint cleverly hides my frown with that over sized smile.

This is who I really am.

The freak that makes you laugh and cry with joy.

The clown that trips over the obstacle so you don't have to.

The circus is leaving town, time to please the next crowd.

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