
Dreams Are Made Winding...

Going along the lines of my last post...

This was my first rock concert...big name band, I mean...that I ever attended. System of a Down. New Jersey. I was 15.

I told my parents I was going with some friends to NJ to spend the night in Phillipsburg at another friends house. In actuality, I left right after school and drove to a motel near the venue (a hotel would not accept a minor without an adult/credit card). I paid for my room cash and took the bus to the venue. I was at the gates by 7. I stuck to a group of guys that were in their late 20's so no one would card me, because I'm a ninja like that.

I was scared out of my mind. I had never been in a concert for this type of music (tho I loved this band and knew every song by heart) nor had I been in a mosh pit with this kind of intense energy/anger. I had been in other mosh pits tho, so I figured I'd join this one. I was fearless. I was dumb.

It was during this song up that I posted the video to that I got my first rock concert injury. It was during one of the heavy, slow parts of this song that the mosh started moving angrily...we were all blinded. Suddenly I felt intense stinging, pain on my left hip...and warm water trickling down my thigh. I looked to my side and some dude was wearing very long spikes on his wrists and while swinging in the mosh, he had successfully lodged three of those spikes on my hip. I shoved him off me with all the anger I felt at that moment for his stupid move (you dont get in a mosh pit to hurt others, at least that's not how it's supposed to be...unspoken rule), and as the spikes slid out of me more blood kept coming out. I freaked out and he kept apologizing. I asked him for his shirt, which he gladly gave me, and I pressed it tight against my wounds as I poured water on it from a water bottle. Burn. Sting. Pain pain. I tucked the shirt as a gauze on my hip and my jeans kept it in place tightly. I limped away and missed the rest of the show. It was almost done anyways.

That night after I showered at the motel, I ran down the block to a 24 hour Walgreens and grabbed antibiotic ointment, gauzes and alcohol. I came back to the room and took care of things, then went to bed more worried about my parents finding out what had happened or where I was...instead of being concerned that the wound might get infected...
Alas, no one ever found out. As far as my parents know, I had a great sleep over in NJ, 45 minutes away and came home safe and sound the next morning by noon.

Shhh...keep my secret.

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