

I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.
~Alfred Lord Tennyson

What a crock of garbage.

Do you know why some people go through life with a seemingly perfect life? Because they're oblivious to their surroundings and to what life could possibly offer if they but strayed a little from their paved path.

Why does everyone have a yearning to be a child again? To go back to the care free days when your toughest decision was what cartoon to watch and if to have that 12th chocolate chip cookie. No thought of life, loss, love, heartaches, health, work, economy...future. No sitting there at night missing anything...because you don't know what missing is yet. You've never had it...why would you miss it?

Then you grow up and experience things. You decide one day you want to take chances, you want to think outside the box and take everything head on. In the end, you find yourself with two life lessons: You learned something new about yourself and now you have something else to trouble your thoughts. You were content before...now you're miserable because you had a taste of something you can never have again. You spend the rest of your life wondering if you can have it again, if you need it, why did you do it...so much for peace.

Mr. Tennyson you were drunk or high when you wrote that. I rather never feel the pain of loss, the void, the bleak hopeless darkness than have 10 seconds of wonderful, lose it, then spend the rest of my life with memories of what was.

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