Case in point, I really really really get along with a buddy of mine. He's fun to pick on, has a great big heart, every time I see him I just feel like hugging him...and he totally, absolutely, without a doubt always gets on my last nerve whenever we play jokes on each other. When he can't sleep, sometimes we sorta text back and forth to talk about boobs (yeah, we like em) or just how the day in general was. We both play guitar, so we kinda do that whenever we hang out if we have time. That is unless...
He meets someone new. If/when he reads this blog post, he will rant and rave saying "I have a GF!!! What do you want me to do be around all the time with you assholes and ignore her and not get ass?" No. No no no. By all means, hun, go get you some. Get you plenty. With many if possible (with protection, please). What I mean is that this fellow completely drops off the face of the planet when he finds someone to pull his poi-poi. He doesn't text at random hours like he used to or answer messages you send him. All of the sudden he doesn't listen to the music you used to bond over or jokes around, goes to concerts, etc. It's like he turns into a completely different person that, to be honest, makes me sad.
Do people honestly think you won't notice when they are with someone? You're talking to them and they are not there. I'm not an idiot. Really. You're only fooling yourself by pretending you totally paid attention to what I said. By acting like you didn't abandon you're entire way of being just to be someone you are not. If that's who you are, why does it only come out when you've hooked up? That's crap. But yeah sure, I'll still be here when you're bored. When no one else gives you attention. When everyone else has gone to bed. When they freaking mess up. I'll be here. Because that's who Yari is right? The eternal backup/safety net/back burner bud. :)
On that delightful note, I shall go pack for my business trip. Also, I shall nap, for the last 2 nights have been spent in a lovely waking up every 2 hours with a headache kick. Tomorrow morning? Breakfast, Barnes & Nobles, post office, guitar lesson, baby shower...then afternoon of absolutely, freaking, NOTHING. Maybe writing.
Special shout out to my homies: Twin, Scott, Mollysaurus, sporq and Rob!
(photo shot by lele saveri for Vice Magazine. It's a series called "Stood up", told in 5 shots. check out the rest of her work HERE!)
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