It was midnight last night, and I found myself fidgeting on the couch resisting the urge to get in my car and drive to Toys-R-Us for their Black Friday sale. I really had 3 things in mind. First, I really really want the Monopoly City Edition board game, badly. I'm not sure they had it on sale but I felt like getting it anyways. Secondly, I beg don't laugh at me, but they had the Twilight AND New Moon board games sold as bundles for $16.99, when just one of them runs about $25. Ok, laugh. Lastly, but actually what I want more, the Marvel Minimates Secret Invasion Box Set. My cubicle at work craves them, I must have them all, to keep me company. I also want the Heroes and Villains Box Sets of said Minimates. Anyways, I resisted and decided to head out shopping at 4 a.m. like a sane person. Balanced people shop that early...right?
At 2 a.m. I was still up, making sure I didn't oversleep for my big trip to Best Buy/Target/ToysRus at 4 a.m. I had it all planned out, my mom backed out last minute but I was still going to head out by myself and see what goodies I could pry of some soccer mom's cold dead fingers. I sort of drifted off, woke up scared at 4:16 a.m. and started getting ready, only to sit back down on the couch and think "Do I really wanna be one of THOSE people who acts like Black Friday is the Apocalypse of the year?" Was there really anything I could NOT live without? Not really...except those Minimates. But, I digress. I decided to just sleep a little longer, and head out at 6 a.m. Surely the crowds wouldn't be that bad that early? Heh.
I eventually rolled out of bed at 8 a.m., not really caring if I made it to the good sales or not. The way I saw it, I just prevented major money spenditude on my behalf on things I would almost immediately get buyer's remorse about. I had me some Jack in the Box breakfast, everything seemed calm enough there, aside from the people driving around like...well like people on Black Friday. I stared at Target, and instantly said "Not no, but hell no." No way. Wasn't going there. I opted to start at JC Penney at the mall, since they like chunky monkeys like myself and provide us with decent jeans/pants. I actually found a pair for $20 bucks I liked, whereas I usually find them for $46. Also, found a 1/3 ct princess cut pair of diamond studs (I was going to get them on "sale" for $179.99 at Zales, actually 1/4 ct) for $44.00 on sale and did an internal happy dance that I found a replacement I actually got for a pretty damn good price.
I headed out of there and walked around the mall for a bit, ended up at Journeys where I found a pair of RocketDog shoes that just screamed Yari! They were $25 on sale, so again, I did good and got em. Wanna see? Look:

Yeah, I rock. Anywho! After that I headed over back to the car and met up with Ricky for lunch, stuffed my face with a Pecan Cinnabon which was kick ass. Then headed over to ToysRUs *cue dramatic music*. The place was a freakin' madhouse. Insane. I have no words. Not only did I not find ANYTHING I was looking for, but the lines were snaking around every aisle along with kids screaming like they were being denied toys. Oh, wait, they were. Who the hell takes their little kids Xmas TOY shopping and then gets mad at them for crying when they realize: A) They can't get every toy in the place AND B) The ones they CAN get, they can't open for another month?! Yeah, smart move there mom and pop. So I hightailed it out of there, rather upset about my Minimates (ok and my Monopoly game) and skidaddled over to Best Buy.
Now THAT was awesome. Best Buy had the best deals by far, and not only that, but they were constantly re-stocking all their sales items. There was no panic, no rushing, no rudeness. It was crowded as hell, but even the line moved quickly and I was out of there in no time. However, as I was walking out of the Best Buy, a lady in an SUV just failed to notice people walking across the street to their cars and decided to just drive thru like the fuckin Indy track. She ended up hitting the outside of my right leg, specifically my knee, before I slammed my fist onto her hood leaving a very painful dent (painful for my hand, and knee). She hightailed it outta there, and I limped to my car. It aches.
Lastly, I attempted to go to the Midland Mall...yeah, I lasted about 5 minutes inside JC Penney and said screw it. Drove my happy little butt through traffic back home to tell you all of my lovely tales of shopping. I'll probably spend the rest of my Friday night hanging out at family's place in the west side...should be nice and lovely. *eye twitch* But, I have new shoes. I have nice earrings. And, quite possibly have a good weekend ahead, so I'm a little giddy.
Oh and this is yours truly today, rocking the flannel, cleavage and Boston cap on my shopping expedition:

At 2 a.m. I was still up, making sure I didn't oversleep for my big trip to Best Buy/Target/ToysRus at 4 a.m. I had it all planned out, my mom backed out last minute but I was still going to head out by myself and see what goodies I could pry of some soccer mom's cold dead fingers. I sort of drifted off, woke up scared at 4:16 a.m. and started getting ready, only to sit back down on the couch and think "Do I really wanna be one of THOSE people who acts like Black Friday is the Apocalypse of the year?" Was there really anything I could NOT live without? Not really...except those Minimates. But, I digress. I decided to just sleep a little longer, and head out at 6 a.m. Surely the crowds wouldn't be that bad that early? Heh.
I eventually rolled out of bed at 8 a.m., not really caring if I made it to the good sales or not. The way I saw it, I just prevented major money spenditude on my behalf on things I would almost immediately get buyer's remorse about. I had me some Jack in the Box breakfast, everything seemed calm enough there, aside from the people driving around like...well like people on Black Friday. I stared at Target, and instantly said "Not no, but hell no." No way. Wasn't going there. I opted to start at JC Penney at the mall, since they like chunky monkeys like myself and provide us with decent jeans/pants. I actually found a pair for $20 bucks I liked, whereas I usually find them for $46. Also, found a 1/3 ct princess cut pair of diamond studs (I was going to get them on "sale" for $179.99 at Zales, actually 1/4 ct) for $44.00 on sale and did an internal happy dance that I found a replacement I actually got for a pretty damn good price.
I headed out of there and walked around the mall for a bit, ended up at Journeys where I found a pair of RocketDog shoes that just screamed Yari! They were $25 on sale, so again, I did good and got em. Wanna see? Look:
Yeah, I rock. Anywho! After that I headed over back to the car and met up with Ricky for lunch, stuffed my face with a Pecan Cinnabon which was kick ass. Then headed over to ToysRUs *cue dramatic music*. The place was a freakin' madhouse. Insane. I have no words. Not only did I not find ANYTHING I was looking for, but the lines were snaking around every aisle along with kids screaming like they were being denied toys. Oh, wait, they were. Who the hell takes their little kids Xmas TOY shopping and then gets mad at them for crying when they realize: A) They can't get every toy in the place AND B) The ones they CAN get, they can't open for another month?! Yeah, smart move there mom and pop. So I hightailed it out of there, rather upset about my Minimates (ok and my Monopoly game) and skidaddled over to Best Buy.
Now THAT was awesome. Best Buy had the best deals by far, and not only that, but they were constantly re-stocking all their sales items. There was no panic, no rushing, no rudeness. It was crowded as hell, but even the line moved quickly and I was out of there in no time. However, as I was walking out of the Best Buy, a lady in an SUV just failed to notice people walking across the street to their cars and decided to just drive thru like the fuckin Indy track. She ended up hitting the outside of my right leg, specifically my knee, before I slammed my fist onto her hood leaving a very painful dent (painful for my hand, and knee). She hightailed it outta there, and I limped to my car. It aches.
Lastly, I attempted to go to the Midland Mall...yeah, I lasted about 5 minutes inside JC Penney and said screw it. Drove my happy little butt through traffic back home to tell you all of my lovely tales of shopping. I'll probably spend the rest of my Friday night hanging out at family's place in the west side...should be nice and lovely. *eye twitch* But, I have new shoes. I have nice earrings. And, quite possibly have a good weekend ahead, so I'm a little giddy.
Oh and this is yours truly today, rocking the flannel, cleavage and Boston cap on my shopping expedition:

you look shexy sweetums! muah! yah, i wish i was shopping with you. :(