Really. When?
When I was 4 yrs old, my mom took me to a fabric store with her in our bustling little hometown in Puerto Rico. I have always been fascinated by these little string things...well mostly how the color palette is so nice and blended in the rack:
I never stole anything again. Half the time I even accepted gifts from other people without my parents assuring me it was okay to take them. I can honestly say I never cheated on a test, however I was the geek everyone copied from. I never falsified my parents' signature for school. I never did anything dishonest in both work and school (maybe I did google or blog while on the clock, but of course, I got caught and reprimended).
That being said. Why did someone steal money from my wallet at work today? I've never messed with anyone, and I never had any problems there before with anybody. I had $500.00 in my wallet to pay the last rent owed in the place I was living in. Today at lunch, I used $8.00 from that for my 1456th salad in the past month. I, again, looked in my wallet before going into work and the money was there. I put my purse under my desk as usual, and trained the new girl all afternoon, until about 3 p.m. when I left her alone in the back office for a bit to see if she could handle the job without me hovering over. I came back at 4:30 and took off. When I went to pay for dinner shortly after that, I opened the wallet and the wad looked significantly thinner, I figured it had moved when I paid for lunch. When I desperately re-counted all my money, there was only $130.00 in there. I looked everywhere, KNOWING I never so much as opened my purse all afternoon for anything. I didn't pay for anything. It was just sitting under the desk. My purse doesn't close with a zipper so you can see the cell phone in there, the wallet and my sugar meter.
It didn't fall out. The whole $500.00 were together in a tight little bundle. If it wouldve fallen out, the WHOLE amount would've fallen out. Why was there still money left?! "Whoever" did it should've just taken the whole thing, instead of just mocking me by leaving behind some cash. That was my rent money. I won't get paid in my new job for a few weeks, hell I didn't pay half the bills due this pay period so I could have some left over for that damn rent and food till next paycheck.
What the freakin heck man. I hope you enjoy it. Relish in it. You don't do that to people. Heck if you needed it that bad you should've asked me if I could lend you some. I couldn't have afforded to give you THAT much but at least some!
I'm broke and I feel cheated. I should've had the whole stack of pancakes for dinner, not just one.
I'm sorry! There is this sense that honesty doesn't pay off, that being a good person doesn't make a difference, everything turns to shits anyway because well, basically people are bullies and meanies and asswipes. I wish I could fix it for you, I really wish I could. Every wrongdoing spreads like cracks in ice, until it falls apart completely, maybe it's best just not to stand too close so you don't drown. I have no idea what I'm trying to say other than that I wish that kindness paid off. Next time you find a wallet in the street, google the name of the owner, and then decide whether or not it's yours to keep. If someone's not paying more attention than to lose their wallet, they probably deserve to lose it anyway. Hopefully there'd be more than 500 dollars in there too, so you could have some extra cash.