That's all I've accomplished so far. I have to be out of this house by the 25th of this month. I haven't even tackled the clothes...oh, heavens, the clothes. Shoes? I collect them. No, not in a way a woman has too many shoes. I mean sneakers/converse. I have a crapload. Moving sucks.
Also, tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. I have an interview for that job I told ya'll about a few weeks ago in the IT dept at the local hospital. I'm so nervous. Sooo soo nervous. But it sounds like something I can do, and the guy sounds like someone I'd like to work for. Wish me luck.
Now, back to packing...and to iron my clothes for the interview. Changes a'coming.
~ Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. ~ Maria Robinson
Good for you sweetheart, i'm glad things are looking up! :)