I was walking back from the hospital gift shop this morning with Shanidy, something that has become a sort of escape from our cubicle and into the world of micro-shopping. We normally do this every other day of the week, before 9 a.m. and it's become sort of the 'recap' time for us. To go over what's going on in life since we last saw each other at 5 p.m. the day before.
When I first started here, I will whole-heartedly admit I was terrified of her. Who wouldn't be? She's gorgeous, smart and upfront. I'm a tomboy, clumsy and simply do what I'm told for the most part. I was constantly afraid of saying the wrong thing, and felt rather inadequate by being me around her. She has a way of talking and taking command of a room. She is always heard, even if the outcome is not the one she wanted...at least she puts in her valid points on the table.
Then small things started happening...she'd think something I said was funny, even if she gave me a weird look. I started noticing that she was asking my input on things at work not just to be polite but because she really wanted to know what I thought. We started emailing back and forth during work, most of the time witty remarks that we didn't want to say out loud. Then we got sent on a business trip together to Iowa. Nothing brings two girls together like boys and corn fields, my friends. Whatever nerves I had left about being around her completely disappeared by the time the trip was over. The last night, she slept in my room...which means I slept soundly. I hate sleeping alone. I felt completely at peace. She was gone by the time I woke up though...that heart-breaker!
Since then, we've gone past the line of sharing. I know her stuff...she knows mine. I trust her with mine, and I hope she knows she can trust me with hers. Every time I think I have her figured out, she comes out of left field and completely surprises me. She makes me laugh, she makes me feel not so alone in this town anymore. She lets me be me, and I secretly love it when she raises her eyebrow at my nerdyness. Doing Zumba with her makes it hard to be grumpy at all the exercise...my lil white girl can shake that thing like no one's business.
So, this morning we were talking and I heard her say that she told someone else: "Yari is a friend first, coworker second." I did a happy dance inside, because that's exactly what I told someone she was a few days ago. She felt the same.
So what better way to celebrate friends and Fridays, than taking a picture of our awesome shoes in the morning sun. Oh. Shanadaaaaaa! <3
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