These are the reasons I love you:
Because you don't sit there and pretend to preach to me on how to control my life, even though the answer to my problems might be obvious to you...you sit there and go through the notions with me, when I don't deserve it.
Because I cannot hide anything from you.
Because you, and only you, know things no
one else can know or understand.
one else can know or understand.
Because you are brilliant, funny, beautiful, loving, and hard-working when you aren't being convinced otherwise.
Because I can be me, completely, when I am with
you without fear of saying the wrong thing.
you without fear of saying the wrong thing.
Because you opened your heart and life to me, and trusted me to not hurt you.
And even when I've had my slips, you've known to read my heart
and accept me back.
Because you brought to the world and are raising two amazing girls, who are equally loving and caring and good-natured. Pure hearts.
Because you recognize the gift in me, and do not think me a
lunatic for the things I dream and see in my head.
lunatic for the things I dream and see in my head.
Because for some unknown force or reason, you feel like the other half of me
that I never knew existed. A half that fit perfectly when we first
met face to face...and everything else just made sense.
It was never forced. It was never awkward.
Because you have this undying hope that there's good left in the world, and one cannot help but feel optimism right along with you with every time you rise from the ashes.
So when you are feeling unworthy, unloved, kicked to the side, forgotten, angry at yourself, disappointed in yourself and life, and downright ready to quit: bury it. You are neither of those things. You deserve what you give, and one day you will see it and stop settling for less than that. Meanwhile: I love you. I'm going back to bed, had to wake up and put this down before I forgot to say it.
Goodnight, Zoeybird.
I cried my heart out. How can you see such good in me? I am foolish and trusting and I find it hard to WANT to see the good in this world, but i continue to do so and in doing so, i continually disappoint myself.
ReplyDeleteThank you for understanding me, not many people do. Not many people see me as you do. I accept you exactly as you are. You have tried incredibly hard to change your life this year and I can not even begin to tell you how proud of you i am. You deserve love and respect and anyone who judges you negatively is themselves foolish and misguided.
This has been the absolute hardest year of my life and considering all i have been through that is saying something. For you to still see all of this in me when i have felt angry, frustrated and hateful inside, is truly amazing. We are the other half of eachother. No one else understands me and no one else understands you. And not many others have faith in me like you do. People think I am naive and stupid. They think i am expendable and unimportant. The same way people have made you feel.
You deserve to be given in return all that you give as well, but honey, that will rarely happen. Many people won't give as much of themselves as you. Or as much as I would. You are very special to love as you do, and I am equally grateful to have you.
I love you too, u-we-tsi-a-ge-ya.
im so glad you know how to spell that word...i was up at 4 a.m. typing this and was in no shape to even attempt to write that word LOL
ReplyDelete<3 ty
hahahaha, you see? who else would get that?
That poem was beautifully expressed and it made me smile and cry at the same time to know that you two are so connected.
ReplyDeletei think i speak for us both when i say, we love you too little bro! <3