When I can taste food again
When I won’t flinch when someone says your name
When I can take a deep breath again
When I’ll sleep without being tormented by you.
When I won’t wonder if you’re having a good day.
When I won’t care if I’ll ever see you someday.
When music will go back to being MY music, not your songs
When the sound of the seconds ticking by wont resonate in my chest
When I see your picture, and I’ll vaguely remember what you were
When you will be just another hurdle in life
When I’ll actually see the road ahead of me clear to my destination
When I’ll stop fronting that I’m alright. I’ll actually BE fine.
When you will be here, where I am today, and I won’t.
Yari 04/2009
...and when I won't be able to remember your name.
ReplyDeleteThis is beautiful Yari. Very Beautiful. I love that you wrote this. <3
our day is coming, love...