So I was tagged on facebook to do this 25 random facts about me thing...I did it and decided to share it with my blog people because, one can never know too much about Yari.
1. I actually despise Facebook.
2. My favorite color is red, tho if you ask me I'll say purple.
3. Atlanta Braves have been my favorite baseball team since I was...11. Before that it was the Blue Jays.
4. I am an only child.
5. I collect 3 things: monopoly boardgames, converse shoes and guitars.
6. I taught myself how to play guitar, first song I taught myself was Round Here by Counting Crows.
7. Yeah, I <3 Counting Crows.
8. In July, 2002...I went with my bff Shante to see Metallica at Vet's Stadium in Philly. It was unforgettable.
9. My first car was a 1992 Ford Probe. I got it in 2003 as a gift from dad. I wrapped it around a pole one winter season.
10. I have a morbid fear of: insects, the dark and heights.
11. I can handle my drink. A lot. I'm not boasting, I actually can hang.
12. I broke my both my ankles when I was 14...the whole year, several times. This is the year I also found out skateboarding wasn't for me.
13. Llamas & Seals are my favorite animals.
14. I've had the same recurring nightmare every other 3-4 nights since I was 7 yrs old.
15. I count things in my head. How many steps I take, how many tiles on a wall, how many gulps of water, how many leaves on a branch, how many links in a chain...you get the point.
16. My favorite food is anything involving chicken. Preferably also Italian.
17. I'm allergic to grapes or anything grape flavored.
18. I was born and lived in Puerto Rico until I was 16. I miss it every day...all day.
19. I suck my thumb when I'm sad or to go to sleep. Yes. Laugh.
20. I drove 17 hours from TX to Los Angeles, CA...hung out with friends for 2 days...then drove 17 hours back.
21. I can quote my three favorite movies in a heartbeat: Anchorman, Jaws and Three Amigos.
22. In case of an emergency, I would tweet said emergency, then blog it...before finally dialing 9-1-1. (@wolffgang can attest to this)
23. I've met amazing people online that I never thought I'd love as deeply as I do. Most of them are tagged here.
24. When I was 15 or 16 and still in PR...I punched a guy I'd had a crush on for years. It's the only time I've hit anyone.
25. If given these options: A)Make up, New shoes, New hairsyle, Shopping spree, fancy romantic dinner vs. B) Chilling in a living room, playing guitar, drinking beer in jeans, converse while watching a good flick (NON CHICK ONE)...id pick B. Hands down.
She's blood, flesh and bone No tucks or silicone She's touch, smell, sight, taste and sound - Tal Bachman