This morning I watched you sleep, as I got dressed for work. I just couldn't believe you were there. I couldn't believe I had just met you 3 days ago. In those few minutes I watched you sleep, I remembered picking you up at the airport and not feeling nervous at all. As if I'd known you all my life, we hugged and you slid into the front seat of my car like routine habit. Our converstion flowed easily...
You made me feel beautiful and happy. Our hugs completed me. Your smile, laugh...eyes...everything was so unbelievably real to me. You reminded me of what it's like to open your heart to someone who is a true friend.
Hence, I cried. I cried before I picked you up to take you back to the airport. I had a knot in my throat the whole way there...We rode silently down the highway. Both of us wanted to keep on going...thelma and louise. I was gonna miss you. I was right. I tried not to cry when you hugged me goodbye. I tried not to sit in my car for the following 20 minutes in front of the terminal crying...I tried not to cry through my short lunch on my way back to work. It all failed. You were gone. The car was empty. I was having a strawberry milkshake, and it made me miss you more.
Thank you for existing. See you soon. I love you.
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