I went home for lunch.Spent 2 hours of quiet, curled up on the bed, halfway between falling asleep and making sure I wasn't late coming back to work. My room was so cold...it was so bright. Those of you who talked to me during lunch know I've been feeling a lil down on myself lately. Trying to get over this funk, to be Yari again and be the comic relief. Today was definately better than yesterday. Little things that make your day better.
Of course my lunch time was over too soon, so I hop in the car and listen to a few songs that make me feel hopeful, mushy. Of course anyone who knows me, knows I'm a total sucker for certain songs, and hell yes I'll admit I cried all the way to McDonald's (i THINK they were happy tears), and order a salad...because...a burger would've made my tummy a mess. So as I sit there waiting in the drive-thru my mind goes warp speed through a million things: gotta get outta this funk, gonna do something fun this weekend, gotta calm down and enjoy the ride, man i don't feel like working, wtf is that lady wearing?, mmm burgers ugh why did i order a salad, man i hope the mouse is dead when i get home, what am i gonna cook for dinner, *looks at cell phone* *sighs*, i miss kelly, i wanna go back home and play guitar, god i cant wait till payday, man i gotta pay rent, crap i could use a drink or 20, i shouldnt really drink and i should take my diabetes meds, im gonna die young, why isn't this line moving?, i gotta book that flight to vegas-are we still on?, god i better get money in at work or doc's gonna skin me alive, why am i still sniffly?, my boobs look awesome today, oh where's the money?! *pays cashier*, great now another 20 minutes for my food, i should go walk in the park, i wanna have a conf tonite-private one?, i wonder if i have enough money in the bank, oh hey! we're moving! im next!, god i bet she's gonna screw up the drink DIET DIET DIET coke!, my hair is so short, man i gotta hang out with mom, god i gotta call arelys...and lisa...and becky...and cathy, im a crappy friend, god im happy, man im sad.
Then, its finally my turn, my glorious turn. Time stops...as I pull up to the window, all my worries are gone for a few seconds while she hands me my lunch. It is in this exact moment, that I realize, maybe I'm not the only one with shit in my head...because out of little old mexican lady's mouth I hear the following words: "This is the mind boggling question of my day. How can we put a man on the moon...but CocaCola can't make drinks that ARENT fizzy??!!'...she says as she wipes down my cup of soda that apparently sprayed all over her.
There it is. Ladies and gentlemen. The planet on the verge of chaos, me worrying over nothing really...and she's wondering why the soda is fizzy. She manages to leave me speechless. I've stopped sniffling. I am in utter disbelief. Did I just hear that right? She laughs and says "have a good day, come back soon!"...I'm still shaking my head trying to make sense of her question...I pull out into traffic still mulling over those words. WTF is she TALKING about?! I open my straw, and with almost extreme giddiness I slide it in my uber gigantic foam cup. Here it is...my Diet Coke fix...fuck her and her statement. I take a sip.....taste taste ahhhh.....errrmmm.....
She gave me a regular Coke. Son of a bitch.