Dreams Are Made Winding...
The Good[Cool] Kids Are Texting
I never once lied, as a child. Well. I take that back. I lied once.
There are things in life, which I cannot resist. Powdered sugar is one of them. So are donuts. When you combine the two, now you’ve created a super food which overpowers every thought in my head if placed within a 50 ft. radius of me. That being said, I was 5 years old and was coming out of my room and into the kitchen, to get ready and have my supper. The food still had a few more minutes to go before it was done, but my mom had placed two small powdered donuts on a Barbie plate, in the middle of our dining room table already. My eyes zoned in on them. A shark, eyeing its prey from underneath…preparing to launch a surprise attack on the unsuspecting. “Yari. Don’t eat the donuts. Those are for after you eat your dinner. Ok?”, said my mother in a soft, but serious tone. I pried my eyes from my delicious goal and reluctantly met my mother’s gaze. I nodded, indicating I understood the instructions. “I’m watching you. I’ll know if you touch them, so don’t lie to me. Do you understand?”, she re-iterated. I sighed, seemingly defeated and simply sat at my place on the table, head laying on my hands. My mother walked away to take a quick shower, and little Yari was left all alone in the kitchen…with two donuts a few inches away from her tiny, eager little hands.
My mother came down the hall, fixing her clothes, shaking her wet hair. I jumped out of my chair and went to grab water, pretending to be suddenly thirsty and taking down big gulps. I turn around to go sit back on my place, and my mother is staring at the empty Barbie plate. She looks at me, eyebrow raised.
“Yari. I know when you’re lying to me. I’m going to ask you again and tell me the truth. Did you eat the donuts?”
“No! Mom! I didn’t touch them!”
“Where did they go, then?”
“I don’t know! I was over there drinking water. You saw me.”
“Yari. Are you sure you didn’t eat the donuts? Are you lying?”
“No! I’m not lying! Look inside my mouth! *opens mouth, confident the water washed all residue away* See?”
“I see. But if you don’t know what happened to the donuts, and if you didn’t touch them or eat them…then what’s this?” *walking up to me, pointing at the powdered sugar residue all over the front of my shirt *
Needless to say, I never lied again. The look in my eyes, my body language…gave me away as soon as something was remotely off with me. Let’s not mention that they thoroughly explained why lying was wrong, and how it hurt others at some point…made them disappointed in me. Apparently those were enough reasons for me not to do it.
So time passed, and I was the good kid. Straight A’s with my homework done within an hour of being home from school (if I hadn’t already finished it at school already). Never talked back to my parents, accepted my discipline, helped around the house, respected everyone, didn’t sneak out or tried drugs. I was the daughter all my parents’ friends wanted to have. “That Yari, she never gives ya’ll any worries…”, they’d comment. My parents would simply smile and nod. I was rewarded with their trust, with privacy, with them letting me go out with my friends and come back whenever I deemed it was a responsible time to be home (I was always home by 11 p.m., even if they never asked me of it) and I was left to be judicious in my use of the internet when I was 14.
So. I was left alone. I was trusted that I wouldn’t lie about who I was talking to, what I was talking about and that I wasn’t lying about going to bed. I had earned that right to privacy. So, I started lying. About texting a friend, when I was really texting boys. About what I was doing with my free time. No, I wasn't on the phone with my friends or reading a book or just laying down in my room doing my own thing...I was exposing myself to people who were brought up different than I was. People that weren't innocent or naive or going through the same stages of insecurity that I was. No. They had malice and poor intentions. And I was prime territory to claim.
By the time they realized they should probably monitor what I was doing, it was a little too late. I had seen and done things no teenager had business even knowing about. I'm not saying I am ungrateful for the trust they had in me...and after all, it was I who violated their faith in me and my decision making...
I guess I wrote this out of concern for many of my friends who sometimes want to provide their kids with technological freedoms. I am not a parent, so I would not presume to think I could do better or that I have the right approach. Each person knows what works in their case. I simply want to warn of the danger of blurring that line between being a parent that kids can consider their friend...and being the parent that tries desperately to be cool, turning their face away when they should be monitoring closely.
The end. Heh.
More Nothingness
Fresh Outta Nice
And then, it rained...

Yes, yesterday,
I woke up old.
My face was long
The feet were cold.
I wore sandals
Instead of Chucks
Tried to call in
But I ran outta luck.
Work killed
Meetings blew
Wasted the day
Feeling blue.
At 5 o’clock
I made it home
For a second
Lighting shone.
And then it rained…
It rained, poured,
I splashed my feet
A kid again,
The water sweet.
My father sung
My mother danced
My toes in mud
Three dorks, enhanced.
The dogs hid
The neighbors thought
“What weird people-
Playing in that lot”.
I went inside
Dried my face
Feeling happy,
Back in place.
I woke yesterday,
Feeling very 27.
Then it rained,
And I was once again, 7.
How, When, Where
When I was 12, I discovered Neruda’s “Sonnet XVII” in the dark, cool corner of the public library in my small hometown. I was sitting across from my mom, as she took down notes from some old novel she used to like as a teenager, and I remember reaching over and tapping her hand with my fingertips. She looked up and shushed me, even before I had opened my mouth to say a word. I nodded as if to tell her I remembered, yes, we were in a library and I had to whisper.
“Can you give me a page from your notebook? I want to write this one down and take it home”, I whispered.
She read slowly, with a soft sigh towards the end and gave me the book back. She quietly and methodically tore a page from her notebook and handed it to me.
“I always liked Neruda, too. That one is beautiful. Good choice.”
“Yes, I love the part where it says ‘I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where’. It seems silly, right Mom? You love from the heart. And you love because you want to…”, I giggled back with a certainty that she felt the same way, surely.
She gave me a strange look and said, “It means something else too, sometimes. But you’ll understand when you’re older. And no, I’m not explaining it now. You wouldn’t get it.”
I made a face, knowing she had anticipated my request for an explanation and went on to write down the poem down in my best penmanship. Something about poetry demands to be written exceeding your best efforts. Not sloppy. Rounded letters…no smudges. It’s art in words. It’s a story. It’s love. It’s pain. It’s history.
I took the page home, and folded it just once…neatly tucking it in a tin can where I had all my other poetry. It’s still there, 14 years later. Fourteen years changes a lot of things in a child’s mind. Time always gives experience. You’re no longer a novice, naïve when it comes to a skill, a pattern…life.
Those words mean a whole different world to me, now. The entire poem takes a new meaning.
The how: There is such thing as a love so powerful it cannot be contained in the confines of a simple heart. It would be like trying to hide the sun in a coin purse. It would burst at the seams, flooding the universe with its light. How does one explain that love to someone that’s never felt it? To people that have their own ideas of what love should and shouldn’t be. Textbook love. Predictable love. Rehearsed love. Pretend love. How can you love someone with such passion, blinded adoration and that life force feeling that runs from the tip of your toes up to the hairs on your head?
The when: Every nanosecond of the day. And then the days blur together and you lose count of how long you’ve loved this person. Because, now, all you know is that you go to sleep feeling loved and loving. If you dream, even if they’re bad, you don’t wake up feeling desolate and alone in the world. Someone makes it right by just listening to you and reassuring you that while the dream world may have fallen apart, the real world…which now feels like a perpetual fantasy…is very real. When? When you close your eyes while soaking up the sun and all you see is love. When you do day to day things, and now they seem to have a purpose. A reason. You’re no longer just existing…you matter. You belong. You are loved. You love. Always. Not a moment where that disappears. Even when it seems to be at its worst, that when it never fails, never waivers. The ‘when’ may be warped slightly…but there it is. Faithful. Strong. Always.
From where: A love you never knew existed, so it absolutely catches you unaware and leaves you wondering where it’s coming from? Where had it been hiding? Has it always been there? Waiting to be uncovered? How did you never notice it before? How can you even begin to understand where this love originates? Was it the first time you heard love say your name? The way it still stops your thoughts…stops you on your tracks to hear your name, so commonly used before, fall of love’s lips like the song of angels. Was it something bigger in which love pulled through for you? The way love looks at you…Oh the way you’re looked at. Where does is that look of unadulterated adoration birthed? Simply looking into their eyes and feeling like a blind man seeing for the first time. Loving from the darkest corners of your mind and body, unlike you’ve ever loved before. Where, indeed.
So yes, now it makes sense to love things in secret…since I know what he meant when he said “between the shadow and the soul”. A part of you that no one can touch. No one can take. Safe from the world and life and the passing of time. My treasure. My smile. Mine.
Sonnet XVII
~ Pablo Neruda
I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,
Or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
In secret, between the shadow and the soul.
I love you as the plant that never blooms
But carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
Thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
Risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
So I love you because I know no other way
Than this: where I does not exist, nor you,
So close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
So close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.