The window's open now and the winter settles in.
We'll call it Christmas when the adverts begin.
I love your depression and I love your double chin,
I love 'most everything that you bring to this offering.
("The Animals Were Gone" by Damien Rice)
I hope you all had very nice holidays with your loved ones, or by yourselves, and that in the midst of it all you felt a warm feeling wrap around you. That was probably me, thinking of you. Or you peed yourself. Either way, I hope it was enjoyable.
The family is here visiting, so I haven't been able to be around as much. Tomorrow we're headed to the New Mexico mountains for snow and things. I haven't baked. I haven't slept. I have not much hope left for certain things in my life, so to avoid feeling sad every day, I'm just cutting those things out. If it's pain now or pain later, I rather go through it now and get it done with. Move on.
I finally went to see Harry Potter 7...a month later. It was dark, gloomy and it was expected to be given the point in the books we're reaching in these movies. Death, grief, disloyalty, betrayal, wands and Ron Weasley getting hotter by the second. Bill and Fleurs' wedding was beautiful there for a while. Jesus...I'm sitting here discussing Harry Potter with you. My apologies.
I also went to see True Grit. That was overall good, very humorous in some ways...very real in others. Jeff Bridges was...Jeff Bridges. Matt Damon was fat and pervy. The little girl was, I don't know who she was. But she has a bit of something going on if you can keep the attention off Bridges and Damon throughout a movie. My popcorn was soggy, and my chair squeaked. But I spent the whole day at the movies, which gave me a nice mental break from everything else.
It's Sunday after Christmas. May your gift returns be few and your football be great. To my friends in the Northeast, stay warm in the blizzard. To me, it'll be ok. It'll be over soon.
Time for nachos.