Oh Brother...Where Art Thou?
The Silence
No more texting all day, no more emails, no more random conversations to keep the day going by quick.
You get used to someone, then everything just stops. I hate that the light doesn't flash on my phone letting me know there's a message.
I hate that I lost a group of friends, because of the actions of just one of them. This time, it wasn't even my fault.
They'll be fine, and I'm left alone. Their weekends will continue to be fun, and I was unjustly removed from that circle.
So in the end, it'll be as if I never existed. But to me, they were very real...and I was happy for 3 hours and 49 minutes.
Between 4 a.m. and 6 a.m.
Between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m....
Undated, Unmailed Letter
Here I sit, with my heart attached to the tip of my pen and the ink that pours into the paper almost seems like blood. It's bubbling out with each word, with every minimal stroke.
I stare out the window, almost forgetting that this page is all I have to give you. I wish I could give you the feeling I get when I see the breeze playing through the trees outside, making the branches sway and its leaves dance. I makes me imagine us sitting on the steps of an old porch, listening to the wind chimes serenade us, as I wrap my arms around you...pressing my lips on the back of your neck. I can almost feel my fingers running slowly through your hair, tracing the crazy pattern of your curls.
I wish this piece of paper could hold in it the warmth that spreads through my whole body, the relaxation that runs from my toes to my lungs as your name fills my mind. It's almost like the sheer thought of you makes me release the the weight of the world from my shoulders, destroying my worries in a swift release of the air that's been crowding my lungs. Tears of happiness well up in my eyes when I look up at the bluest skies above me, knowing that this must be what it looks like to stare into your eyes. Clear, bright, endless. Songs that were just music before, well, they now seem to fill up my life with words I wish I had come up with to say to you first.
So, in this warm faded couch, I sketch my feelings for you in syllables and metaphors. I sit and wait endlessly for life to grace me with a few seconds next to you. The repetitive fears and inane questions inundate my silent moments when no one is around and overwhelm me when I don't hear from you for an extended period of time. Have you forgotten me? Did you wake up today and realize what I had feared all along? That I was not nor will I ever be good enough to deserve you in my short years on this planet? Do you love me like I love you?
I'll crumple up this letter, and never mail it out. I'll remain enthralled in the beauty you pour into my days. No sense in putting a check box at the bottom of this. Yes or No would not cover the intensity of my feelings. But...a day will never go by without me ensuring that you know that I love you. With every corner of my heart, and everything that fills it and makes it beat every day.
Love Always,
They'll Name A City After Us
Starting Something, Again...
Baseball, Blogs & Cold Coffee
Fireflies and Pink iDogs

Broken Record
Please Say Yes...
I promise. I won't do it again.
Be Nice To Others, Always
The loud talking, laughter and lockers slamming accompany me to the cafeteria - the doom room. I step in through the pale yellow, metal double doors and it almost becomes too much to handle. I'm clenching my jaw, grinding my teeth and almost feel a bitter taste in the back of my tongue...I must have bitten my cheek to hard on the inside, again, drawing blood. I don't even look up, I know the exact layout of all the tables and who is sitting where. Swearing under my breath, feeling every pair of eyes burning holes in me, I stand in the same line I always do. The one with the pre-made sandwiches, the jello cup and a soda. I've had the same lunch for 5 months now, only because my fear and dread of classmates prevents me from taking 50 steps across the cafeteria to the other line, with the warm food. I could trip or be tripped on the way there, they'd be looking at me and I'd get even more awkward, they could scream things at me or worse...not acknowledge my existence at all. The possibilities, though endless, had been lived by me so far. So this is where my road splits. Time for a decision.
I could sit at the table I had been sitting in since the first day of school, with the same 4 girls. They had never said hi, looked at me or even seen me sitting at their table. We had English class together. Lauren was a track athlete, Sarah was in the swim team, Jessica was in the Debate Club and Skylar was in the Photography club. I knew their names, what they did, they're boyfriends names and if they were virgins. I only heard two words from Lauren directed at me. She said "No" when I asked if someone was sitting at the end of the lunch table and "Oh" when I told her she gave me an extra exam in English class as she was passing them around. At this point I can go sit with them, or go to Plan B. This amazing plan consisted of putting my sandwich in my backpack, dumping out the jello and sip my Coke in a calm manner as I left the cafeteria. I'd avoid the corridors, so security wouldn't ask me to go back to the lunch area and sneak into the auditorium restroom.
There's a scene in the movie Mean Girls, in which the main character is having a hard time adapting in a new HS...so she ends up sitting in a bathroom stall by herself eating her lunch. People thing that scene is exaggerated, but that is exactly what my lunch was like at least 2-3 times a week. I'd sneak in there and pretend to put on make up while the girls finished up, I'd hang my backpack from the door and close the stall door. I'd curl up on the top of the toilet, the large metal pipes and sit there with my feet up so no one would see. I'd pray for time to fly and for no one to come in and start banging on the door, then I'd read the scribbles on the walls with each bite of my soggy sandwich. I
shouldn't have felt I had to do that, yet that's the reality of my high school years. I tried to find a home with different groups of people, but at least I found Shante. It was just her and me. I will forever be grateful that she stuck by my side until today. However, how does one get rid of those memories? Of the stereotypes those years formed in your head? I still can't see a jock, wearing Hollister or some attractive guy near me because I feel nauseous and just sort of recoil as if I've been slapped.
Why did I write this? I don't know. But I feel worse now than I ever have for simply existing in this planet.
Pardon me, if I step on your toes.
I started writing this, thinking it was going to be a song or a poem. But there’s nothing romantic or poetic about it. There is nothing artistic, or emotionally charged riding on these words. The only feeling is anger, hurt and my new reminder that I have stretched out my hand towards the fire that kept me warm – only to learn the lesson of burnt skin all over again.
I used to think I was like a beaten puppy, used to the abuse yet wagging my tail at the slightest sign of affections thrown my way. However, I am not. I am merely an idiot. Animals have no rational thoughts, they don’t willingly choose to ignore the warning signs of another catastrophe heading their way. Dogs are dogs. I, am an imbecile.
People often tell me that this is my greatest downfall. That I trust and love easily, without reservations. That I shouldn’t be this way, and it’s my own fault because I carry my feelings in my sleeve. My heart in my hand. Ready to give it freely. Never asking for much in return, except the same courtesy. Someone taking their time to care about me the same way. Someone to think of me when a song comes on the radio, and have the urge to text me to say “Hey, I’m thinking of you”. Why do *I* always have to make the first move? All of a sudden I say the first word, or show affection first and people THEN come back with OH YEAH OMGZ ME TOO!!11! You say “heyy! I missed you!!” and mean it, they say they miss you too as an obligation. Because they know they should be nice back. Spare me.
I am tired of chasing. Of caring. Of never learning. I’m tired of planning my life around others, which is only a sign of more stupidity on my behalf. How come I count the minutes to spend time with people, at the same time they’re counting minutes until happy hour or some other idiotic, irrelevant, NEVER changing event? People grow old and die. Objects, hobbies…those will be there forever. I rather spend my time…you know what? I don’t have to even GO into that right now. You all know how I am. I am the rock. I am always here. Even when I’m broken, I hide that part of me and I. AM. HERE.
Can you say the same? Didn’t think so. Thanks to the few of you who are there. It’s easy to be around when I’m just giving you an ego boost, making you the center of my universe. But when I need you to pick me up and cradle me? Gosh, you’re just too busy aren’t you.
RANT. OVER. I’ll be in my car, having air for lunch and crying over spilled milk. I feel used. But it's all my fault, because it's always just in my head.
"Such a silly little whore, with dreams of being a goddess. Go ahead, leave you're money on the table."