What's that? I have a cute face, pretty eyes...I'm smart and funny. But it's not enough is it? You sit there and list the reasons why I should stay. Why I am not a loser, why I should give life another try. Then, at the first turn, it doesn't matter I gave you a shot. I put myself out there, and rejection once again slaps me in the face. Why did you bother in the first place.
I feel the wind knocking me forward
Giving me the final push, sweet release
My toes step swiftly over the edge...excited
this is it, the moment ive been waiting for.
following the current of the air, i fly
weightless...with a grin spread wide on my face
What crashes below me, it does not matter
I am free. I do not hurt. I will be gone.
There it is, I know it's close now...
I can now afford to think of your face one last time
I can stand the agony your eyes, just for my last few seconds
It'll all be over soon.
Thank you. Your pity words gave me one last smile
One last hope that maybe there was life out there
Ah...there is the end. Let me close my eyes, it wont hurt.
Hope you're happy, hope you're free.
-Yari, 09